10:04 PM
Posted by
Where is latios/latias in pokemon emerald??? - where can you find latios in pokemon deluge
I know that he asked his mother what he said in a television interview (in red Latias, Latios blue), and also that it Lilycove people who saw the fly, but where exactly he met? I also know that the eon ticket you to another .... I need help finding the first one. any help?
8:42 PM
Posted by
Where can I see dimplex portable airconditioner (item no. dac12004rc) operation manual? - dac12004rc manual
I wonder how much water is needed to develop Dimplex r / c, portable air conditioner (Item Code: dac12004rc) before surgery.
9:15 PM
Posted by
Make lamp remort control...? - how to make a lamp in autodesk inventor
I'm looking for some help .... Well, I do not know exactly how to put into words ... but I'll try :-) I have an outlet behind my bed and separate the difficult access connection to the lamp ... my life a little easier, I'm looking for ways to the remote wireless ..... do not know if I can do, there is a gadget that can be connected .... I hope that I will explain ....
9:47 PM
Posted by
What is the best way to weatherproof the plastic box for a motion sensor originally intended for indoor use? - quorum g4567
The motion in question is a good infrared detector Quorum (RR-150/A-160/G4567) powered by a 9V battery, DC 5V, which gives about 1 second when it is triggered. The thing is, I, too, such as welding leads to the battery contacts, so that you can through a wall transformer to power. Comes in a plastic box that is completely waterproof, and as far as I've seen, either by using a glue gun to all seams and holes, or put everything in another plastic (Plexiglas or seal). For the moment I am very concerned about leaks concerns, but it is possible that the temperature is a problem also, I think. The sensor is used in a temporary outdoor installation of six months this summer.
10:23 PM
Posted by
I have a big forehead that my bangs can't cover. Is there anywhere i can purchase some bangs;different styles - different bangs styles
over the Internet. Shop. Is there a technique to cut or style for a front-pony? Is there such a thing as a pre-bangs? I'm always teased about this, friends and family members, and I'm sick of it! Please somebody, help me!
10:58 PM
Posted by
What happened to Kates Playground wikipedia page? - kates playground images in a pool
I ask because there is more
10:30 PM
Posted by
DO YOU watch the FOOD network? - what is your favorite ina garten recipe
If yes. Why do you like? Who is your favorite? What do you see? I wish there were more from Ina Garten, because the recipes are great!
I love the Food Network, and I love learning new recipes and my favorite is Paula Deen and Giada.
10:07 PM
Posted by
To all long time vegans,who know there serious nutrition? - what are the rewards of nutrition consultant
Hello, I have a vegetarian 2 1 / 2 years. I am a vegetarian for 6 months.Now in the last 6 months, I've learned a lot from the ingredients to see that food from sources on the basis of what is found in everything from what's coming, or exposed in your body is what you put into your 's body.It amazing journey, and I'll always new things to learn every day, my commitment to the vegan lifestyle and more difficult .. but I can not find good advice on the list, and the knowledge ... I've heard that eating spinach, for example, a person should consume vitamin C help or something, the body include better.I really know a site that could tell me much about this subject I know my body all rEward healthy foods they eat.
If you know the country, I guess it's great thank you.
10:45 PM
Posted by
Neck soreness from ride? - lower neck soreness from snowboarding
It was about 32 of my trip last weekend and neck (traps) are very sore lower back and also, is it normal?
I then went for a week. Normally lead.
11:17 PM
Posted by
Where can I find a place to buy old Russian Empire (pre-Soviet) films cheaply? - russian pre model
As the Father Sergio or defense of Sevastopol
11:55 PM
Posted by
Tire types for AWD SUV? - difference between grand touring and touring tire
I am pleased to replace tires on my car, Mitsubishi Outlander AWD. I found that offers an excellent tirerack.com tires, and is a great tour all season, and I also found a standard touring all season, and a road all season. All good ranking in all conditions, and are all in the same price range, but what is the difference between the rates of these tires and would be best for my car here in Rochester, New York?
12:25 AM
Posted by
Approximate cost of a can of sweetened condensed milk? - grocery gateway cost
In the store brand. Of No Frills or Wal * Mart or somewhere?
I seem to remember who is around $ 1.79, but the food is gateway in $ 3.79 for a 300-ml set, you can?
The attempt to amend the draft budget ready for Christmas, thank you very much for your help.
12:58 AM
Posted by
Where's the serial number on a birth certificate? - where is the serial number on a birth certificate uk provisional
In through the process of applying for a provisional license in the UK with my birth certificate, NI card and my passport is currently not working.
The application form for the type of indetification () registered as a birth certificate, but also requires a serial number. In the form of three groups of numbers.
At the top is an alphanumeric entry for "number". This is the upper left corner of the page and consists of 3 capital letters followed by a space and followed by 6 numbers.
Also high on the right side of the page if the alphanumeric others. This time, they have followed in 4 bold capital letters, followed by a space and 6 numbers.
Finally, it is an alphanumeric code, passing in the middle of the underside of the document is wrCircumcised XXXXXXX XXXXX XX / XX XXXXXX XYYYY. Replace "X" with numbers and "Y" with the letter.
What is the serial number that I use for my model of the provisional certificate?
1:32 AM
Posted by
I'm doing a math project, and I'm supposed to find the BMI data for females in another country. please help!! - median bmi data females another country
I need the index of average body mass of women in a country other than the United States. Age 2-20 scale would be best.
Thank you!
1:29 AM
Posted by
I am doing a speech on the deeper meaning of a song, viva la vida or sunday bloody sunday? - meaning of la boucherie
In the speech he was to a song that you like to have up to a certain depth and to discuss it on the surface of a deeper meaning and significance. If one of those songs sound good, you still have other songs or other advice for me? Thank you!
9:21 AM
Posted by
Can you download iMovie HD if your macbook comes with regular iMovie? - imovie hd 6and slick plug-ins torrent
I tried to download iMovie HD 6.0.2, but was told she needed to 6,0 HD, I could not find the download. Download How do I know if my computer iMovie HD can?
9:58 AM
Posted by
How much does it cost to get my teeth whitened? - teeth whitening vancouver how much
I live in Vancouver, and I want to know how much your teeth whitening costs.
I know it's not really a fixed rate, but simply have only one idea.
10:31 AM
Posted by
What is the correct wording for wedding programs as far as thanking guests & for memorials? - correct wedding programs verbage
He is to be married and people travel long distances. How should we recognize the memorial of flowers, not in a bad mood?
11:06 AM
Posted by
Stargate Atlantis: Letters From pegasus...? - what goes on in an atlantis events cruise
In this episode, the Atlantis Expedition has a message sent to the CMS and it was received. I wonder what you Stargate SG-1 is a cross over episode on this event after receipt of the message dedicated to? I recall that the SG-1 finds an MPC when they returned to Egypt in the time and use that name in the wake of Atlantis, but there were a few episodes that had spoken with SG-1, or discussions on the message of Atlantis?
I know this is sounding like a geek, but Stargate is awesome: P
11:44 AM
Posted by
What is the name of the song that Paty Navidad sings on YouTube? - paty navidad nuda
If anyone knows, thank you very much! If not, I thank you for trying!
Click here to watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVd6LuNix1g
~ BNL07604
12:12 PM
Posted by
Where can i watch free episodes of bad girls club? - bad girls club
I searched everywhere for full episodes, but I can fin clip is 5-7 minutes. Does anyone now that I'm full episodes of this season of Bad Girls Club 2 clock for free?
12:45 PM
Posted by
Can tonsillitis cause terrible nausea in children? - can tonsillitis cause nausea
I just brought home my son 9 years old, a doctor, she had complained of neck pain for 3 days, she says, she is today. But today she was so disgusted. It seemed to be insecure because in his neck, looked like he took a culture sees white spots on her neck. I'm worried because I have never heard of sore throat (or) can cause nausea. Does anyone know?
Thank you, I'm worried!
1:20 PM
Posted by
Thick, white, lotiony cervical mucus? 9 days before period is due? - cervical mucus before menses
I felt I had my first time, or something, so I ran to the bathroom and wiped and it was mainly mud. I felt around my neck to see if it covered a period or something on my finger * * with thick white CM. It was a kind lotiony. I never had before, that happens. It is a fungal infection or vaginal infection. I had not before, and had (this problem and no itching, pain or) anything else related to infections.
My husband and I are trying to become pregnant, do not know if I could be a symptom of early pregnancy or not (probably not). I'm 19th on CD Ovulate on Day 15 Cycles of 28 days.
No other symptoms. I thought it was weird b / c I've never seen that before the Great White ish or white (not even clear. More sour cream - sorry, if I have no sour cream lol perished).
1:54 PM
Posted by
Where can i find an empty game board? - buy folding board calgary
I know they are there, because my primary school teacher has bought an entire class, if .... Bend, as the monopoly of the Commission and also a couple of dice and gambling chips, but are obvious .... Someone knows where I can find?
2:27 PM
Posted by
How many episodes have southpark creators ever produced? - southpark episodes for quicktime
It was a matter of luck, but I can not favroite southpark is my show, and I wonder how many episodes of South Park ever done? If anyone knows pleaseee tell me! Thank you!
3:02 PM
Posted by
Why does a pinhole camera with many holes show lots of images of a filament? - show images of difrent shaps of viginas
Why is a dark room with lots of holes, many images of a filament?
Why a hole bigger than the picture is not so clear?
3:37 PM
Posted by
Must pulse oximeters be FDA approved? - pulse oximeters for sale columbus ohio
I'm buying a respiratory therapy student, looking for a good bull impulse for under $ 150. I have a lot of online research and found a lot of dry vegetables that are not approved by the FDA, but they are less expensive and only a handful of which are approved by the FDA, but slightly more expensive. Do you have a pulse ox must be approved by the FDA to be a reliable tool for the hospital to be? What difference does it really matter? All proposals for a reliable pulse ox?
4:10 PM
Posted by
How do I get from Leominster to Worcester by train? - south worcester registry of deeds
Take as many trains to how I can transfer to the train from the station as I can from the Gare du Nord to the Gare du Midi, how long will it take and how much I will change? Please give me a detailed answer. Thank you.
4:43 PM
Posted by
Has anyone ever used Veet hair removal. How well does it work? - can veet be used in genetal areas
Is there anything else I can no longer use stubble or thick hair back?
5:14 PM
Posted by
How do I get picrtures from a cell phone to a computer? - picrtures
We'll try to send me pictures of them, and I know that I receive pictures on my computer from a mobile phone.
5:48 PM
Posted by
Is it better to go to the restaurant before or after a movie? - before and after phone table
After the phone and make reservations if you are actually in the restaurant, you must be in a long line, like all the others before arriving at the front queue and tell them you have booked a table? Even if you go to the movies with friends and the film ends with 4, but the restaurant closes at 5, go to the restaurant before the movie, or not enough time for the next step? (The restaurant is located right next to the cinema)
6:23 PM
Posted by
Excessive bowel movements?? - acidic bowel movements
I have for about eight hours, and we had about five stools at the time. N diarraeha but relatively loose and soft stools. I took laxatives, and I eat excessive amounts of fiber. What is possible? Yesterday also experienced severe pain in his left side and through my stomach, with pain radiating from the left and right shoulder blades. Friday night I had a lot of nausea and vomiting diarraeha with a sour taste and smell.
6:55 PM
Posted by
Just got a gateway 6010gz, i cant get usb mouse to work? tried all 4 usb slots-nothing,laser lights,thats it? - usb laser mouse
AA two slots and USB laser mouse with blue light, but not control anything, right or left, by doing nothing. Synaptics touchpad computer has a newer driver I could find work. In Device Manager I see a list called "human interface devices, like my Compaq laptop a. Someone has some of those who could use some help ... my computer knowledge is the foundation, but not afraid to try something .. thanks
7:16 PM
Posted by
How do I hook up the pyramat S3500 game chair? - pyramat chair
Hello. Can someone tell me how to connect the game chair Pyramat 3500th I bought, but do not come with instructions and elecronically'm stupid.
4:04 PM
Posted by
Does anyone know where I can buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle wallpaper border online or in store? - where can i buy ninja turtle pjs for adults
With a view to buying wallpaper border for my child, preferably "peel and stick" approach. Any help would be appreciated.
4:38 PM
Posted by
I'm looking for song lyrics or who sings the song "going home". It's an old gospel/hymn song? - gospel hymns lyrics
Not Annie Haslam and Mary Fahl. My brother and my uncle sang at the funeral of my grandfather. Any help?
I know that song says it:
"After seeing the house, how many years I was in the mountains too high, too, then there is something clear blue sky
5:13 PM
Posted by
What is the difference between a leather messenger bag and a computer leather messenger bag? - mens computer bags
I want a messenger bag in black leather, but to see that this is a messenger bag / laptop bag. Is there something wrong with the actual execution is not a team in this bag?
5:51 PM
Posted by
What's the current 30 year fixed interest rate if I have 20% down & excellent credit? - percentage rate calculator
I live in Los Angeles, California. If I buy a house of medium size, in the Los Angeles area that can be the lowest interest rates this week is I get a percentage? I 5.5% fixed 30 years is comparable to what one of my friends a few years ago?
There is also a formula to find my monthly payments by using my computer? Thank you!
6:28 PM
Posted by
Just reserved an Acer 5612ZWLMI from Comets to collect tomorrow, Good idea? - wedding budget software
Age of Yahoo! A married recently. ask, why is my laptop monitor was strange and vaguely have, and twice today looking for new ones.
He lives in the laptop at Tesco for £ 499th when I pick up some dog food, then added, and found in the same comet for £ 429th and unobtrusively.
Base specification. is:
Pentium Dual Core T2060
Speed of 1.6 Ghz
1024 MB RAM
Hard Drive 120 GB
Screen size 15.4 inches
MS Vista Home Premium.
I do not know much about computers and my budget is very tight, know to appreciate their thoughts, advice, personal experience with the product / brand.
As someone who has never bought a new computer before (both in the hand me down!) I am a little excited - but nervous - for installing / uninstalling software, etc., and I wonder if there really are fundamental Things to know (which is not specified in the manual)
soooo wish me luck, or Tell Me No
6:58 PM
Posted by
Why is Volkswagen still making that Touareg? - touareg diesel
The Touareg is just that I heard in my life, my neighbor suggested that everything, and very expensive, and according to this site: http://aolsvc.edmunds.com/apps/vdpcontainers/do/ViewTypeModels / category = type / attribute suv / category2 = = = market/attribute2 diesel under the 2006 Hummer H1 Alpha in the majority of vehicles sold placed. Volkswagen to stop beating the same old dead horse with a stick and get rid of the old to make room for new ones when you do ask me.
7:33 PM
Posted by
I would like to get into house sittting in toronto how do i start this process? - sittting on stomach pin
This is not really a problem.
Think about it. Foreigners should not remain simply at home when you're here?
I hope not.
If no professional skills, you can opt for some jobs at a lower level upwards. As in a store or whatever.
Also, try to run the dog.
House of the meeting is not really an option, it is asking for one of his friends and neighbors.
Good luck!
7:57 PM
Posted by
What kind of medium size car would be able to pull a small trailer? - small trailer plans
I want to buy a new car, I would want a small SUV or truck, but because of fuel costs, which must remain with a car. I am also seeking to buy a small tent trailer and wonder what is the best medium, preferably Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Nissan, etc., if any, is able to remove them. Preferably with a decent fuel economy.
7:54 PM
Posted by
Where to buy a snowmobile trailer? - used snowmobile trailers
I am interested to classify myself as a snowmobile trailer 2nd Something fundamental to the bar to stop in front. I live in Northeastern Illinois, and I do not know where to buy. Preferably used. Does anyone have any suggestions?
8:28 PM
Posted by
Canon Powershot g9 and band photography? - lightweight point and shoot
I have a few years of experience with digital SLR cameras, but I sold my camera and take a break from the world of photography. I do not believe in a digital SLR camera yet, (I) am a freelancer and I have no experience in the photography group. This is my first attempt to photograph the group. Since I know a digital SLR to give results much more, while some of his not really go through the procedure for obtaining editiors / Spaces permission. The movement is always a difficult question for me is still the practice before all rights to the band.
I was thinking about buying an external flash adapter and a 58mm lens filter.
Yes, I know that will probably end up costing as much as a DSLR. I do not want a DSLR today, especially because there is nothing against a bright point and shoot with manual settings.
Should I continue with this? Reactions and opinions?
9:02 PM
Posted by
If some bank in Canada collapse the customers will be insurance? - rbc insurance canada
Immediately, when the collapse of banks in the future, the customer with all the money saving safe RBC?
9:33 PM
Posted by
What is the percentage of sales tax I would pay for buying a boat in Ohio? - taxes used boat ontario
I will use the boat in Cuyahoga County, but I live in Wayne Co. The boat will remain in Cuyahoga County. It is used a boat when it arrives. I would be glad of your help. Thank you.
10:06 PM
Posted by
Is anbody here going on the Adventure of the seas cruise on July 27 departing from Puerto Rico? - adventure of the seas
First, I do not feel that on this route, but questions. are not many people here, on your boat. But because the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line is the best it is a place where you can find and talk to people on the boat. His www.cruisecritic.com Go therefore considered "advice" and sign for a meet-and-mix. You can talk and meet people. To be aboard CR has a specialty cocktail, like a small party mix with all of the meet-and-. You can also access this site RC. They have things to eat and drink, and you receive a gift. Despite leaving in 2 days, so you can always ask would be. It's nice to know that people, even before the journey begins! Enjoy! RC is awesome!
10:38 PM
Posted by
I was born with Hunter's Syndrome....? - hunters hearing aid
Anyway, I feel very fortunate to have lived a full and productive lives ... 47 now and still consider it quite right. Many victims are young people spend Hunter .... very early or very young.
My doctors are working well and congratulated me for so long. My question is .... How can you in spirit I ask for money? Yes, I got my butt to what I have and I buy hearing aids, glasses and have recently suffered due to a faulty heart valve had angiography. For me that makes it easier because I can not make much money. But people who think I'm calm, I think. In any event, had a lot of "friends" ask me for money .... It hurts me to think that friendship could be abused. Nobody offered to help me and I'll get to the point to move and live my last years away from the people who thought he knew. Sorry had to vent ..... thanks
11:15 PM
Posted by
Does someone close to you have dyslexia or adhd/add, how do they act? - characteristics of dyslexia
I write a story (of course remains the same) for all my other questions about the stories, and I would really give the character. Maybe some are asking you to describe some of the characteristics of people with dyslexia, add, or know. How do tend to act in different situations or something that you can count on. Thnx!
11:52 PM
Posted by
In California, to transfer real estate to a living trust, what deed to use and what cost to do it? - trust transfer deed
I Should a grant or transfer of Quitclaim Deed of Trust?
Where can I get for free over the Internet?
Thank you!
12:30 AM
Posted by
How much does an average eye brow wax cost at JCPenney Salon? - jcpenney waxing prices
I need to know how an eye on costs associated JCPenney Salon wax. If you know, please report. Or even if it does not JCPenney Salon may be that the average price for an eyebrow wax. Only need to know. Thank you soo much. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt, 33
1:02 AM
Posted by
Good slow recipe for stew beef vegetable soup.? - slow cooker vegetable soup recipe
I'm slow on the lookout for a good (not necessarily to cook in a casserole) recipe vegetable stew with beef stew with tomato soup or juice. Can beef or chicken (I prefer this fact) May a simple rule that I am willing to work with something. I cooked soup in the last year and it was wonderful, but I lost the recipe. I would be there for a few friends to cook, but enough to keep these large quantities and freeze well. Suggestions and recipes are welcome, and a thumbs up for everyone! Thank you!
1:39 AM
Posted by
Which brand of leather coat would you wear? Avirex or Sean John? - avirex leather
or another brand? And if so, what brand?
2:12 AM
Posted by
Where can i find a free beanie hat pattern (sewn, not crochet or knit). For halloween? - beanie hat knitting pattern
I want to make a hat from a base in one of my favorite websites, but I can not find a decent model. Does anyone know a site where you can print reduced size, or if it extend very easy to use? (must be free)
2:47 AM
Posted by
Tire Prices and Questions? - best tire prices
I want to get 2 tires, alignment and tire rotation ... I think. My two front wheels lose their tread and I have to replace my tires and they basically good, because they have 4-wheel-drive most of the work continues. So you have to rotate back to the front and back nine? We also need an approximation Beaus sometimes leans left, and she told me they need a programming language Suh disadvantages, but one thing that the approximation behind them? JW. So what is the best place is cheap, but still enough to do? I have a thing for $ 20 off $ 20 Rebate Michelin direction, but I have Wal-Mart was the best. Also a unit of sound in the street, so I have big wheels. But you answer everything I can, if anything they see, what I know, I have many questions. Basically I want to know about alignments, tire rotation and also what is the best treatment to achieve all this?
3:23 AM
Posted by
My yorkie is pregnant, is it ok to leave the male with her while she delivers the babies? - pregnant yorkie
My yorkie is pregnant, it is acceptable to let the man with her, while she gives the baby and then after the birth? Should I, separate them before and after the birth?