Acidic Bowel Movements Excessive Bowel Movements??
Excessive bowel movements?? - acidic bowel movements
I have for about eight hours, and we had about five stools at the time. N diarraeha but relatively loose and soft stools. I took laxatives, and I eat excessive amounts of fiber. What is possible? Yesterday also experienced severe pain in his left side and through my stomach, with pain radiating from the left and right shoulder blades. Friday night I had a lot of nausea and vomiting diarraeha with a sour taste and smell.
Sounds like it could be pancreatitis. There are some blood tests they can do to see if that's all. The pancreas produces enzymes that help digest food. They can cause pain that radiates to the back, as you described. Only a doctor answer this properly.
This can have several causes, Yahoo Answers is not the place to diagnose, then I go to your PCP and they run some tests. Test to the level of white blood cells, because it tells us that the infection or not. I had turned the same problem in 2001 is Diverticulitous me. It was 13 "away from my Sigma and spent 39 days in the hospital. Good Luck.
Immediately go to the pr ... Sounds like gall bladder problems, digestive or other problems. No, wait ... Sounds serious.
It seems to say that eating something beautiful, your body took care of your car, simply by drinking plenty of water
She ate something that disagreed with the system (and can be combined with a flu like) error. Jump into water and bread or crackers and water for a while until it is () for several days. Belching nausea nad tells me that you eat something that immediately reacts with the acid in the stomach. They know what they (the question is not what you normally eat)
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